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Monday 20 May 2013

VIXX - 'Hyde'

VIXX has released a new song, called 'Hyde'.. which I've absolutely fell IN-LOVE with .
If you haven't watched it yet, I've embedded it below!

VIXX's First Mini Album is Finally Out!! ^o^ ...

The Song Itself

This song was vaguely familiar with their previous song “On and On”. It had a similiar gothic and vampiric theme, which they are totally able to capture with their confident dancing and acting.In fact, the only reason I had chosen the header image as the header image was because the theme totally freaked me out!.. I mean they’re n-n-naked.. >.< A~k..!

The beat to this song is very catchy. Even though it's in Korean, it’s easy to remember and sing along to. It’s a song  that I would totally just break out into during random parts of the day. 

Ravi’s rap was especially entertaining. I loved the super aggressive hand swishing and swaying, pushing-everything-away movements!

However, I would have to say that in terms of the song itself, the part where the main vocalist usually clutches fists and screams to the heavens was missing! I needed that climax to just complete the song with it’s own ribbon and cherry on top.. ^^

Costume Review

Leo’s hair was a surprise! It was a very brave move! I had the same reaction to everyone else:

"Oh my God!"

It’s just amazing the way during for example VIXXTV, he’s so quiet, but when it comes to a performance, this guy means business! Although.. I still would've preferred it shorter.. :3

If you talk about Leo’s hair, you've just got to get on to Ravi’s hair. When I saw it, the first thing I thought was, “oh damn, I could do trigonometry on that o.0" It was.. um funky, though.. I have nothing against it! K-Pop Stars do it all the time <3 :P

The Dance

Now if you want to know about the dance, there are a few things that you will have to note down:
  1.      1. Bromance (1:31)
  2.      2. Leg opens (1:16)
  3.      3. And last but not least, the arm possession (chorus)

So the next time you’re lacking some dance moves for a choreography, you can thank VIXX!

Okay, but seriously, I enjoyed their dance, but there wasn't anything special to their choreography. There weren't any flips and tricks... stunts that kind of made my jaw drop.

The Music Video

As I’ve said before, VIXX have introduced a gothic feel to their MV. Talk about guyliner, why not throw paint-balls at their eyes? That make-up was just make-up on a whole new other level.....!!..!.!..!

Okay, fine, it’s for the effect, since they’re all getting possessed and stuff.. but then what about the maggots slithering out of skulls, the bug stuck upside down, wiggling its legs in the air, or finally of course.. the lizard :3 …. Meh!


Okay, so let's replant into our heads the plot of the video... epic dancing, epic facial expressions, spiders, maggots, skulls, screaming, possession . and then we have a nice shot at 1:56 ! You can thank me later ;)


There was also quite an awkward shot with the one girl (yep, VIXX used a 1 main girl in their video.. again :P) at 3:07

Let’s listen to the recreation of the day when that was filmed.

Director: Okay~ Crew! Cameras on her boobs please! Get right in there, because we want to edit Hongbin on top of them!

Mm… awkwaaa~rd :/

The English

For this song…. The English was… disappointing… *breaks out into MBLAQ – Cry* Let me give you a taster:

“We just do it now, ah. Just follow”
I guess the words speak for themselves, right? T-T

Lesson for today: REVISE YOUR ENGLISH!


In conclusion, I really enjoyed VIXX's 'Hyde' but it they just didn't belt their voices, or reach further limits, to where say a good everyday singer couldn't reach! So.. I'm giving it:

                 4 Hongbin smiles out of 5! :)



Sunday 19 May 2013

Learn Korean Expressions #1

Hello Everyone!

Earlier today, I was brainstorming some ideas as to what I thought you'd might like to see me post, when a rather cool idea popped into my head! Since, I am studying Korean, I thought it would be a nice idea if I could share what I know with you! :) I know that many residents of the K-Pop world are interested in the Korean language, aaannd so maybe it wouldn't be a half-bad idea to share some on this very site! :D

What I've decided to introduce is a 'Learn Korean Phrases' section of this blog, where you will be able to find idiomatic expressions, phrases, or maybe interesting words etc! I was thinking maybe one post.. every week? 

This Week!..

..I will be teaching you the idiomatic expression:
눈이 높아요
[nun-i nop-a-yo]

Let's see the construction of this phrase..

  1. 눈(이) [nun] means 'EYE'
  2. 높아요 [nop-a-yo] means 'IS HIGH'
So, if we look at the whole sentence together, "눈이 높아요" [nun-i nop-a-yo] literally means "Your eyes are high"!


Before you abnormally assume things, "눈이 높아요" [nun-i nop-a-yo] does not mean you have really vertically long eyes, or are freakishly tall.. but it means that your expectations are high; you aim up into the clouds too much!


So.. if you look at the image I posted as the header for this blog post, the guy says..
"My ideal type is Sulli"
Pororo then replies..
"아이고.. 눈이 높아요~!" [Aigoo.. nun-i nop-a-yo~!]
So what Pororo is trying to say to the guy is that he's aiming too high! Sulli is a Korean celebrity~~


"눈이 높아요" [nun-i nop-a-yo] can be used in other situations where someone's expectations may be too high... but using it to describe someone's ideal type, or dating life is probably where it's used the most! :)

So What Did You Think? ^o^

If you guys liked this, then I'd be more than happy to post more of them, more regularly than once a week! Please tell me what you think in the comments section below.. yeahh~!! ^^



Saturday 18 May 2013

Z.HERA's Debut Song - 'Peacock'

Get to know her a bit more?

Behind the Scenes:

About Z.HERA:

A new rookie singer called Z.HERA has joined onto the stage with her new bubbly song called 'Peacock'! She makes her new appearance young, at the age of 18, and it seems as though she has a very successful career ahead of her..

Many comments on her video said that her songs seemed a lot like BoA's songs.. hmmmm ^^
They also said that she resembles Lee Hi, who also happens to be a rookie, releasing songs about this time... War of the Rookies~FIGHT!! :3

And finally.. her image is very cute! I just love that trademark hand pose thing... it's a letter 'Z', right?

Anyway, here are her music videos below, if you haven't seen them yet. There was the original Korean one released first, and then the English version released the day later:



This song was a really nice break from SHINHWA's satellites and LC9's car-smashing, giving me a new sense of motivation for what I want to achieve! .. :3 Her song tells us about how she will never give up saying 
"It's my destiny, nothing's gonna stop me"
..and I guess she's right.. with that I-must-listen-to-more ( >O.O )> voice and amazing dance!

It was a really fun and bouncy song. Repeat button was on maximum mode~! Her voice had a sort of baby sound to it: you could visualize her in the recording room just from the sound of her voice. She wasn't made of plastic Nicki Minaj butt, and I liked that.. >.< I could hear the realness in her :)

I can describe her music video in one word: Blockbuster! She had a cute innocent start... with those sunny shots... the flowers.. and little bird cage that shot out glitter sparks :) ... but then she goes all sexy, step-up dance style!... Dancing under a sprinkler! Hair all wet! Boots! Dancing with that hot Korean back-up dancer! Oh yeah girl~! ;) ^-^

As for her English.. uh.. I think it was sort of her let down ;(
Many of the sentences in her song (especially the English version) didn't make sense, for example..
"You never gonna feel my heartbeat"
"Block them out they try to take over"
(Hehe.. I'm pretty sure CJ E&M subbed in "but".. but you would never be able to get away with that one! >;3 ~Mwahahaha~ )

..But I've gotta give her some credit for the many sentences that she did get right... and her flawless accent~ You go girl!

To sum up, this song looks to be a great start to her career, and it seems as though I have a new artist to follow on twitter! :D
In my opinion, there were only a few minor mistakes that she could fix, which probably only come with experience anyway.. such as the mini timing errors in her dance, or the English, so....

Final Rating!

4 glitter spark-shooting Bird Cages out of 6!


Comment what you think too in the comment section below! :)


Happy Birthday Taeyang~!! :D

YG Instagram Update:

YG posted an image on Instagram to celebrate Taeyang's birthday.

Anyway.. :)

Happy Birthday Taeyang! It's been a successful year, and in these 25 years of your life, you've come so far! Let's just reflect on the two first things that we think of when we hear your name! ^^


The Life of Taeyang's Mohawk.

1. The Baby Mohawk
"Okay, I think I'll try a mohawk."

2. The Mohawk
"Mm, I'm liking this.."

3. The Big Mohawk
"Yeah, baby; mohawks baby;"

4. The Untouchable
"The heck with it."

5. The Dying Mohawk
"This still counts, right?"

6. The Double Eclairs


There are 4 ways you in which you would see Taeyang, in terms of the way he is dressed: (1) sort of dressed, (2) undressing, (3) stripped, (4) and  still stripped~!

Taeyang likes to show off his abs, but I don't blame him for it! After all of that hard work, you've gotta get some credit for it! ..And besides, they're hot! ^^ At the big bang concert, I found myself jealous when he ran into the crowd shirtless!

In Conclusion...

Happy Birthday Taeyang! We love your music, and... many years to come! ^^

생일축하해요! <3



Friday 17 May 2013

SHINHWA -'This Love'

WOW~! I thought it was amazing! SHINHWA comes with their style and charisma, yet again! I've attached the video below, if you haven't watched it yet:

"We live for this love~~~! Nanananana~" :D

This was such a romantic, fun and entertaining song! Before long, I found myself bouncing a long to the beat.. then even dancing (I'm not much of a dancer T^T)!
It had a beautiful build-up to the start, and a catchy chorus. The rap was nice and.. somewhat pumping, but I would've like it a bit faster. However, after all of my dancing from the chorus, the song ended nicely with the slow cool-down at the end.. ^o^ It's a song that I would absolutely be able to jump around to in the mornings.. Definitely a new download on my phone~!

There wasn't really a meaning or plot the song.. well atleast that I could find, but the lyrics covered it all up. I mean, In The  Red Light of Frozen Time Your Scent... The Moment Locked In The Burning Firelight of Your Gaze! The words play beautifully together.. oh, sorry, am I waffling? ;o Shall I Speed For You Like The Green Light? ;) I don't know if using traffic lights and satellites is a new trend for pick-up lines, but oh damn it worked! :D

Call me a reverse-pedo... but damn those costumes were hot! :L They were wearing suits, but with a spice to them. I guess it reflects on them, themselves: Sexy middle-aged guys!

The dance was fun, funky, weird and retro! But before I go any further, lets just tangle our arms in the air ( 1:15 ).. and wiggle ( 1:53 ) uh-uh-o~hhh. The movements were very sharp and felt almost contemporary. They used many advanced dance canons... I just LOVE that dance! :L SHMEXY~

The English was good.. but I only have one tiny complaint..
"It's automatic systematic in this universe"
Ehhh~.. That just didn't work for me.. but the rest was good ^^

Overall, I really enjoyed the song, but there was just something lacking.. Maybe it was too simple, I think that the MV could've had a little more spice incorporated into its bubbly goodness.. There was something I was just waiting for.. A climax to the song! So.....

Final Rating!
4 Reverse-Pedoes out of 5! ^o^


Comment what you think too in the comment section below! :)


Tuesday 14 May 2013

Hello World~! ^-^

여러분 안녕하세요~! ^-^
Hello Everyone~! ^-^
Welcome to my blog, and hopefully the first post to a successful one!
"Kill them with success, and bury them with a big smile." -G-Dragon

I think that we should get to know each other, so for this post, I'm putting the K-Pop.. a tiny bit to the side.. and I'm going to introduce myself!
Here I am!:
It's me! :P
My name is Karen, and I am 13 years old! :3 
I am half Filipino and half Romanian, but was raised in the UK.. so I guess I know quite a few languages. Language learning is a hobby, actually ;o .. I'm currently learning Korean and French... I'd love to learn Russian, German and Japanese some day later, after I've completed my current language studies :D 
I LOVE Korea, hence this blog, and would LOVE to meet new friends online, with the same interests as me! GD is my BIAS! We're getting married soon :) I've done everything with him, including face fusion..
Oh~! I've also went to the BigBang World Tour It spelled AMAZING! I hope GD can come to the UK for his OneOfAKind Concert.. which I really doubt T-T 
Anyway! Back to me! ^^ I used to play archery: it was a hobby, and one of my competitive assets. Unfortunately, I had to give it up because of school, and oh God, was it time consuming! T-T 
Here are some pics: :)
At full draw :)

This was the adults division :) I'm K. Sarmiento. F. Sarmiento is my dad ^o^

 But while I was still doing it, I did manage to support Korea in the London 2012 Olympics and their archery prodigies! Mm.. The good days! 
I would like to create this blog for not only my enjoyment in the making, but your in reading! I hope that I will learn over the years, and get to you all the latest news, especially about GD, on which I will be concentrating.. Fighting! ^-^

So yeaahh; that was a tiny bit about me, and please comment with stuff about yourself!
Let's talk~~ 이야기하기 시작해요~~