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Friday 17 May 2013

SHINHWA -'This Love'

WOW~! I thought it was amazing! SHINHWA comes with their style and charisma, yet again! I've attached the video below, if you haven't watched it yet:

"We live for this love~~~! Nanananana~" :D

This was such a romantic, fun and entertaining song! Before long, I found myself bouncing a long to the beat.. then even dancing (I'm not much of a dancer T^T)!
It had a beautiful build-up to the start, and a catchy chorus. The rap was nice and.. somewhat pumping, but I would've like it a bit faster. However, after all of my dancing from the chorus, the song ended nicely with the slow cool-down at the end.. ^o^ It's a song that I would absolutely be able to jump around to in the mornings.. Definitely a new download on my phone~!

There wasn't really a meaning or plot the song.. well atleast that I could find, but the lyrics covered it all up. I mean, In The  Red Light of Frozen Time Your Scent... The Moment Locked In The Burning Firelight of Your Gaze! The words play beautifully together.. oh, sorry, am I waffling? ;o Shall I Speed For You Like The Green Light? ;) I don't know if using traffic lights and satellites is a new trend for pick-up lines, but oh damn it worked! :D

Call me a reverse-pedo... but damn those costumes were hot! :L They were wearing suits, but with a spice to them. I guess it reflects on them, themselves: Sexy middle-aged guys!

The dance was fun, funky, weird and retro! But before I go any further, lets just tangle our arms in the air ( 1:15 ).. and wiggle ( 1:53 ) uh-uh-o~hhh. The movements were very sharp and felt almost contemporary. They used many advanced dance canons... I just LOVE that dance! :L SHMEXY~

The English was good.. but I only have one tiny complaint..
"It's automatic systematic in this universe"
Ehhh~.. That just didn't work for me.. but the rest was good ^^

Overall, I really enjoyed the song, but there was just something lacking.. Maybe it was too simple, I think that the MV could've had a little more spice incorporated into its bubbly goodness.. There was something I was just waiting for.. A climax to the song! So.....

Final Rating!
4 Reverse-Pedoes out of 5! ^o^


Comment what you think too in the comment section below! :)